Grow, Protect, Transfer

Segregated funds GRoth Grow protect transfer

Discover the unique opportunities of segregated funds contracts.

1. A Segregated fund contract is:

  • All in one investment, insurance product and estate planning tool.
  • Only available from an insurance company

2. The contract players:

  • Contract owner – the person who owns the contract
  • Successor owner – the replacement owner of the contract after the original owner dies
  • Annuitant- the person on whose life the maturity and deathe benefits are paid
  • Successor annuitant – the replacement person on whose life the maturity and death benefits are paid
  • Beneficiary – the person who will receive the funds when the annuitant, and successor annuitant if named, dies (can be anyone: a family member, friend or charity)

3. Investment Component:

  • Opportunity to participate in the markets.
  • Pooled investments for economics of scale
  • Range of funds across all assest classes to choose from to help grow and diversify a portfolio
  • Option to choose from a non-registered account or a tax-advantaged register plan

4. Insurance Component:

  • Estate planning and wealth transfer features
  • Potential creditor protection
  • Asset protection through death benefit and maturity guarantees

5. Estate planning advantages:

  • Bypasses accounting, legal, administrative and probate fees
  • Potentially protects from estate creditors and avoids court challanges to a will
  • Preserves privacy by bypassing probate
  • Transfers welath quickly to beneficiaries
  • Controls payments to beneficiaries – annuity settlement option lets you decide whether welath is paid as a lump sum or gradually over time

6. Guarantees:

  • Death benefit gurantee – percentage of deposites, reducred by any withdrwals, that the beneficiary is guranteed to receive when the last annuitant dies.
  • Maturity benefit guarantee – percentage of deposits, reduced by any withdrawals, that the contract owner is guaranteed to receive when the contract matures.
  • Maturity date – occurs after a minimum number of years has passed or at a contract set date (for example, age of the annuitant)

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