Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance is a private contract between an insurance policyholder and an insurance company. The insurance company promises to pay a sum of money upon the death of the insured person, in exchange for a set premium.  Only the policy owner can break the contract - you own and control the policy - the insurance company works for you.

Life insurance is financial protection for your family in case of your death. The payment is 100% tax-free, which makes it one of the most efficient and effective financial tools available to Canadians - the real return on your money cannot be matched.  You are paying pennies on the dollar!  The amount and type of coverage you choose will depend on your circumstances and your needs. The cost of life insurance depends on factors such as age, gender, smoking status, health, medical history and lifestyle.

D o you need life insurance?

What if something happened to you? Nothing will ever replace you in your family’s life. But with life insurance, you can ensure they fulfill their dreams and live the life you’ve always dreamed for them.  Your family is the greatest thing you'll ever create. That's why we get life insurance, to protect the most precious things in the world. To protect the ones we love.

What about Mortgage Insurance ?

It is important that Canadians understand about traditional mortgage insurance, usually provided by your financial institution when you get your mortgage.  If you have a mortgage it makes good sense to insure it. Owning a debt free home is an objective of any sound financial plan. In addition, making sure your mortgage is paid off in the event of your death will benefit your family greatly. The question is, should you purchase this coverage through your lending institution or from a life insurance company? A good rule of thumb to follow when searching for advice? Ask an expert! So, while it might be convenient when completing the paper work for your new mortgage to just sign one more form, be aware that it might be a costly decision.

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