Health and dental insurance

Cover family medical costs

Don’t have group benefits or losing coverage? An individual plan can help.

What is health and dental insurance?

It helps pay for things provincial health care plans don’t cover: prescription drugs, dental, hospital, vision, paramedical and ambulance services. Coverage is similar to a group benefits plan. 

Why do I need health and dental insurance?

You’re retiring

You need coverage to replace your previous group benefits

You’re losing coverage

You need to replace previous coverage

You’re self-employed or not eligible for group benefits

You need coverage for you and your family

What kinds of health and dental plans are available?

There are plans to suit your needs and budget. Coverage is guaranteed for some plans and you qualify even with pre-existing medical conditions.  For example:

PlanDirect Core, Core Plus and Elite

Ideal if you’re self-employed or don’t qualify for benefits with your employer. Comprehensive medical coverage.

PlanDirect Basic, Comprehensive and Premier

Ideal if you’re retiring or losing coverage. No medical exam required.

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