Insurance is the foundation of every financial house and provides the protection we need in case of unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances. Insurance policies give a financial shield in critical life situations - assurance that your house remains solid in turbulent times. Insurance helps you or your family during unforeseen tragedies such as illness, injury, disability, or death. We offer the following insurance services and products.
Life insurance provides the security to ensure that your loved ones do not have to worry about their financial futures if you pass away, especially prematurely.
Travel insurance covers unforeseen losses incurred while travelling outside of your home province. Medical bills outside of Canada can be enormous and cause tremendous financial hardship. Get flexible insurance that meets your needs and your budget - beyond what traditional credit card or travel companies offer.
There will come a time when your provincial health plan or your employer-provided health and dental plan will not cover your family's needs. Get the added protection to cover those inevitable extra costs, particularly in times of medical emergencies.
We pay to insure our automobiles, our homes, our electronics, why don't we insure our most valuable asset - our ability to earn an income? What if we can't work due to an accident or illness? How do we pay the bills? Is our employer's plan going to be enough - often it is not? Disability insurance protects your paycheck - all of it!
CI Insurance provides a one-time lump sum tax-free payment if you are diagnosed with a critical illness. You can spend that money any way you like. A Doctor, not an insurance company, designed this for your protection and peace of mind.
A Health Spending Account, otherwise known as a Private Health Services Plan, allows you, the small to medium business owner, to expense medical and dental costs (for you and your employees) through your company. In 1988 CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) stated that if your medical and dental benefits are administered through a third party arms-length administrator, they can be 100% tax deductible to your company. These benefits are also tax-free to your employees, including you!